Ground Stabiliser is a specially formulated blend of resins that coats out on the hole wall to form a hard surface. It is
designed for use in RC drilling operations where broken/unstable ground is problematic.
Ground Stabiliser is mixed with water and the resulting mixture is injected into the air stream via the centre of the RC rod. With the hammer open, the product bypasses the hammer ports and is blown into the hole annulus and coats out on the hole wall. As a result of the volume and heat of the airflow,
Ground Stabiliser dries instantly to form a hard surface.
Use of this product makes it possible to drill highly fractured and broken ground, including running sands. It eliminates
the need to re-drill unstable hole intervals, resulting in higher production for the drilling contractor. In some areas it
may negate the need to run casing strings or to cement holes due to unstable ground conditions.
Ground Stabiliser is typically mixed with water at a ratio of 1:1. The volume of the resulting mixture required will vary
depending on the hole conditions but typically 2 litres will be sufficient to seal 3 metres of a 5 inch hole.