Potassium Chloride (KCl) is a soluble salt that is an extremely efficient shale stabilizer when drilling hydro sensitive
clays and shales. Inhibition is produced through exchange; the potassium ion enters between the individual clay platelets
in the shale so that they are held together, thus eliminating entry of water from the drilling fluid.
Potassium Chloride (KCl) can be added directly to a drilling fluid system to enhance its inhibitive quality, and can be
used as a weighting agent ranging in densities from 1.005 S.G. (8.4 ppg) to 1.162 S.G. (9.7 ppg). Potassium Chloride (KCl)
solution becomes saturated near 1.162 S.G. (9.7 ppg).
- Inexpensive and easily obtainable
- Benefits achieved at low concentrations
- Compatible with most drilling fluid additives
- Stabilizes water sensitive clays and shales
- Prevents issues resulting for shale instability
- Fast dissolving
- Appearance: White crystals or powder
- pH saturated aq. sl. @ 15°C: 7.0
- Solubility: 28.1g / 100g of water @ 0°C
34.2g / 100g of water @ 20°C
 37.2g / 100g of water @ 40°C
- Purity: 95% min
Normal use: 3.0 % (30 kg) - 8.0 % (80 kg) by volume (per m3)
Polymers such as Ezee-trol, Aus-trol, Ezee-pac R & L, PACs, CR-650 and Liqui-pol can all be used in conjunction with
Potassium Chloride (KCl). It is recommended the water be pre-treated and polymers mixed before adding Potassium Chloride (KCl).
NOTE: Environmental Sensitivities may exclude the use of Potassium Chloride (KCl) in certain areas, please contact your
local AMC Representative to discuss alternatives.