Mist Drilling: SUPER-FOAM should be mixed with water at
0.25 - 0.5 % by volume and injected into the air stream. The
rate of injection will depend on hole size, compressor output
and water flow rate etc.
Foam Drilling: If water flow rates are high and compressor
limits are reached, up to 1.0 - 2.0 % by volume of SUPERFOAM.
Air Drilling: SUPER-FOAM can be used as an effective dust
suppressant, at 0.1 - 0.2 % by volume injection water.
Stiff Foam Drilling: Stiff foam applications include areas of
severe lost circulation, large diameter holes and unconsolidated
formations. Stiff foam can be prepared by injecting a base slurry
of 35 - 45 seconds per litre viscosity fluid prepared as follows:
Mix LIQUI-POL, 1 - 2kgs per 1000 litres or EZEE-PAC
R, 2 - 4 kgs per 1000 litres | SUPER-FOAM 10 - 15 litres per
1000 litres.
When injected into the air stream, this slurry will produce stiff
foam of shaving cream consistency.