Access to Affordable Water
less than 30m away!

It's a fact. Mutch of the fresh ground water in the world occurs in the top 30m or so. This abundant supply of pure, crystal clear water is yours, free for the taking! All you need to do is to drill a well to have all the water you'll ever need, practically free!

Quality water
Many city residents are drilling home water wells as an excellent alternative to chemical tasting municipal water. Industrial pollution and excessive use of chemicals required to purify the water to acceptable levels has almost made good tasting water a "thing of the past!"

Economical Water
City water rates are soaring. With a MobiDrill borehole, you can pump all the water you need for only a few rands a day.

Dependable Water
You'll never again have to worry about your water supply going dry . . . or a city water system that has to ration water in times of drought - when you need it the most.

Abundant water
With your own well you're assured of plenty of water for household use, plus plenty left over for watering your lawn and garden. You may even want to add a fishpond or swimming pool to your property.

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